Tie a Yellow Dress on Me!

Once upon a time I found a vintage style, yellow, cotton dress for $9 on a sales rack at Gap. It didn't fit, was a much larger size, but had potential. I took it to a tailor in my neighborhood and gave him my vision. He turned my $9 dress into a perfect fitting $89 dress, and I wore it for several years before it became completely threadbare at the seams and frayed apart and out of my life, taking all the memories with it. Recently, Gap was selling a checkered white and yellow, cotton sundress I had to have, it needed no tailoring. 

Ever since I heard the reference to a yellow dress in a Monkees song I really love, I have been pursuing the dress, the party and musicians to serenade me. The musical males would come and go, but it's been well over 40 years for me and yellow dresses, tops and skirts. For those who care, chasing parties did go rather well. I still want that golden mustard poncho that Dolenz is sporting.

A yellow dress always brings me the sweetest times. I'm reminded of dandelions worshipping their mother sun on Sunday mornings. It brings back a childhood from {the now mythical} '70s. So much around me, at the time, seemed to be yellow and golden (Harvest Gold). My peers and I agree, to have had any part of the '70s was pretty amazing. Bring me yellow dresses!

*Mike Nesmith is still my favorite.

*There really is a local rock group down the street trying hard to learn that song.

*What are you doing hangin 'round?


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