Rosca de Reyes

The best place to procure a Rosca de Reyes is at La Mexicana. But sometimes they sell out before I get one. I ended up getting this yeras at Fiesta. I was able to see them making it fresh, taking mine out of the oven and placing it in a pretty box adorned with the Three Kings. The aroma was heavenly!

I would stay away trying to get a Rosca de Reyes at Central Market. They put out a heavy adorned King Cake at Mardi Gras but their Rosca is impish, dry and resembles bad pan de dulce. They sell it in a bag and there is never an aroma and you just feel it's an after thought and some stale, left over Christmas goodie you happened to stumbled upon. Whatever you do, don't ask them if they are going to make Rosca de Reyes, you'll find yourself in the middle of some discussion trying to explain. Don't call it King Cake or you'll confuse them. I find myself at Central Market less and less these days simply because Fiesta carries a lot of what they have but more earnestly and at better prices.

PS: If anyone out there knows where I can get stollen for next Christmas please email me! I have bought this at Central Market in the past and wonder if it is just a dry and impish version compared to the real thing. So please promote your bakery!



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