I know you from somewhere

I have lived in Austin long enough to know you if I saw you before when I see you again. I have a good memory for faces but not always good in placing them or their names.
I may not know your name but I used to see you at Emo's in the early 90's. Maybe I saw you at parties when Austin had tons of parties and you could go to seven in one night or you hung with friends of friends or worked at Quacks when it was on Guadalupe or that book store where Denim Edge was or I would see you at the UT gym, hmmm by the way, remember Les Amis and their onion soup and black beans, anyway, or maybe you were part of the University Grotto or maybe you just came into that vintage store I worked at or hung out with those people I ended up not liking too much but hung out with for awhile anyway because they knew my roommate or maybe you came to my big party in 1996 or lived across from my apartment or maybe we had a class together or we could have been in that student film in the mid 90's or hey maybe you were at that audition for Snake Tails, maybe we'd wait at the same bus stop waiting for a shuttle or a bus or you could have been in the group interview to work at Central Market that one time or maybe you worked at that fast food place in the Union and I saw you when I went to see the John Cassavetes movie series and Seymour Cassel was there live and in person or maybe you sat in front of me, next to me or we met while walking out of Husbands or maybe you were at that swimming hole or record store before it went out of business, maybe it was in the bathroom at Liberty Lunch or maybe at Magnolia's after a show or at a Mr Fab show or during one of those first SXSWs when Crust would play at the Ritz or darest I suggest I saw you at a Retarded Elf show or hey you may have come to see a rental I was trying to sublet or maybe I saw a rental you were trying to sublet or maybe it was when I worked at that bookstore or at Ego's or maybe just walking down South Congress before it was SoCo and there wasn't much there so I'd know I seen you or maybe you used to go to that park near Elizabet Ney's or maybe just on campus when I started working there or maybe it was just at Starseeds, Tamale House those few times I went or maybe a hike at the greenbelt or was it Mt Bonnell or maybe it was at Enchanted Rock with a group or once coming out from the backyard of that house on 37th St around Christmas time and you were going in, or at 21st St Co-op or Family Thrift or maybe you were in a line at the Paramount (vague recollection), or was that line at Basics or were you there when that guy was dancing with a lizard crawling all over him to a Depeche Mode song or was it Fiesta at 2am or when I worked for that telemarketer downtown,maybe it was Emo's but I have seen you before and keep running into you from time to time, but I know you, sort of.



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