A Year Without Made in China....?

Currently reading the book and taking inventory. So far, I have some shirts made in Mexico, USA and India, not so much China. All my vintage stuff is made in the USA: coffee peculator, a few skirts and coats and jackets, sweaters some old Doc Martins I still wear. Our dinnerware is new and USA made...hmmmmm didn't realize that.

I did become frustrated with the book because Sara Bongiorni totally lacked creativity when trying to procure items NOT made in China. Her coffeemaker broke and she never thought to look for an older USA made peculator with a lot of life left in it on Ebay or Goodwill? The time she spent looking for kids tennis shoes and never five minutes spent checking Ebay for some older Chuck Taylor's that were not used or only slightly used. A lamp? Ummm many an old USA lamp can be found but I got the impression she wants brand spanking new always. Well, I'm of the type who wants clean and works or can clean up anything pretty darn good and so if it works, it's good,it doesn't have to be brand new. By the end of the book I didn't like the author. I found her to be trite and her attempt at this project seemed to be one of the deepest undertakings of her life. Her epiphanies were thin. I didn't like page 128. The more status quo you want to be, chasing the Joneses the more Made in China stickers you will find: cell phones, IPods etc.... I encourage going against the grain, live without a cell phone, people did for years and were fine.She has no email address published for feedback on the book either.

But there are many a practical treasure still around not made in China at thrift stores. I have been successful at purchasing USA at those venues. As for big box, last Christmas I avoided them. I purchased from crafty and d.i.y. sites who may or may not have used supplies from China but there was no big box store revenue coming from me.

We still have a lot of Made in China stickers about the house, but when there is an alternative, we take it. It's easy to do in a place like Austin when you have no children. It's a difficult endeavour otherwise per Bongiorni and I believe that however I also feel she made things a bit harder than they could have been.

Incidentally, I have been using only Lion Brand yarn to make the stuff for my website. It's all Made in the USA and Turkey. Also been using wool yarn from Australia and Norway. My crocheting hooks are from Mexico. I didn't even realize this.



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