Plans for the tree

So we were all amped about cutting a tree at Loma Alta but maybe next year. This year the logistics of it all just won't work. Honestly though, the Virginia pine just doesn't click with me. It's pretty, it smells good and looks great outdoors but I don't know.... the shape of it? The length of the needles? Something....

Virginia Pine

Balsam Fir

So, we are going with plan B, what we did last year, order a Balsam fir from DeLong Farms in Nova Scotia. I know I haven't shed the small town, Texan in me because the idea of Christmas tree delivery via USPS is fun (just like the first Sea Monkeys I ever ordered, yippee). Not to mention, a Balsam fir seems more on the exotic side, teehee. There will still be tree cutting because two inches of the trunk needs to come off before it gets placed. It is due to arrive by St Nick's day.



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