
Tripping over lil sites like this online can make my day by filling my head with cool ideas:
The Small Object
Rosy Little Things
Creature Comforts
and help me get through my Christmas list. Yeah Christmas, can you believe it! I can't believe Wm and I will have been together four years this December. Sort of flew by.

I also realize I have been like ZERO productive on the crafty tip this year, actually, so far (let's not rush to 2008 just yet). Not for lack of ideas, dear readers, but for lack of time. How I would love to be like these blogs I have listed, filled with creative endeavours and completed projects but....{sigh}, it's just not the on going theme in my life, but this is: “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”. Places to go, people to see sort of year have kept me away from my art supplies. I had to start keeping a planner, EEK! I used to just have my day job but recently, just so much more than that on my plate.

Speaking of on my plate, the strawberry and creme icebox pie from The Frisco was damn good. I didn't think so at the time, in fact I was really jealous of the yummy coconut pie Wm got but today I would actually go to The Frisco just for that pie. Go figure. There is a moral in that lil story.

Speaking of eating out, the Dart Bowl restaurant reminded me of any little dive on Freemont Street. Really has an old Vegas vibe to it, all it needs is a Kino board. The BLT on their homemade bread is really delicious guilt with a side of chips. I have also discovered that it's the most entertaining place in town to do eavesdropping.

Is First Texas Honda on Koenig closing or is it just a rumor?

I was all snug like a bug reading Old Witch and the Polka Dot Ribbon (love the illustrations) last night, I forgot about going to the store to buy what I needed for Pan de Muertos and atole for Friday. I haven't felt 100% this week so we'll see. Really, it may just be a huge sugar crash from all the sweets I consumed this week like Pumpkin Cheesecake from Central Market and icebox pies etc... I heard some cool bakeries in town sell the Pan De Muertos but don't know if I can take any more sugar and I hear they make the bread a bit sweeter than it should be. I may end up making it myself.



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