E is for evening with the stars peeping out

My evening was spent putting the Silkies to bed in their lil rabbit box. They prefer that to anything made specifically for them.

I spent the late afternoon with friends in a biggianthouse far away from mine and among lots of yummy food and treats. This house sits on a quarter of an acre and what a wowsers house it is. The homes in this neighborhood were huge, ranch houses built for UT professors and USAF officers back in the day. In her backyard you can still see the vague remains of of a kidney shaped swimming pool and all that mid-century glamour that came with it. Thing is, the soil in this part of Austin was just too soft and pools cracked and sank and these biggianthouses had foundation problems beyond belief and were all turned into rentals. Hers was completely remodeled and, well, it was given a 2nd life as a modern house with a kitchen deserving of a chef or something, happens to be what she is too.
The ac was so strong that I was able to drive home, windows up with no car ac because I frozen solid. Seriously, a popsicle.

So, speaking of heat I just bought myself an SPF 85, yeah, 85! The sun hurts when it shines on me, feels like it's seering my organs and this sunblock is supposed to protect up to three layers of skin. Hey, whatever, sounds good to me. I also got a hat for the brief but mandatory walks in the sun.

Speaking of walks in the sun I heard that Austin's metro rail will not have a park and drive in one of it's central locations. That was disappointing to hear. Um, how is this supposed to succeed? I mean you have to live a block or three away to use it. Walking in this town during the summer (May-November) after 11am and before the sun goes down is hell because it's humid and 97 degrees (if you are lucky) or more. This is not California. Austin keeps forgetting that. There were some big, older trees lining the sidewalk to the station and when the area began development,they were destroyed. Great, smart move. A walk without shade to and from this train. What else is going to be done to make this first attempt at "efficient" public transportation a sure failure? Line the sidewalks with angry pitbulls on chains? I kept hearing that this wasn't a good deal but didn't know why other than those living in the hood will have a train go by more frequently.

A Face in the Crowd: we saw this movie again and it's one of those that share my #1 fave along with like sixty other titles. If you haven't seen it you must. This movie really was ahead of it's time and stands as a poignant comment on society right now.

My neighbor was so right! Central Market cupcakes are tres better than Hey Cupcake's. FER SURE! I mean, gobs of frosting, then this light, airy, oh so perfect and yummy little cake. We just went crazy for them and uh....yeah, no time for even a photo of how cute they are because they were eaten so fast. We have fulfilled our cupcake craving for the rest of the year. In fact this along with the soiree at the biggianthouse, I have completely satisfied my sweet tooth for several lifetimes over.