Kitty Koncerns (and more trouble in paradise)

I walked out this morning to feed the chicks and heard the beginning of a crow. UGH! I have been dreading the day one of the Silkies crows because it means he needs to go to Del Rio to live with my Grandparent's. I could be mistaken. Whoever crowed will be seven weeks old tomorrow. Precocious little thing: everything I have read says roosters don't crow until they are 12 weeks old. The noise of overworked ac units running at the same time worked to muffle the sound. The coop is located away from any windows and I hope no one heard. This little attempt at crowing was not at all confident, it was shaky, weak, clumsy and not loud. It did happen at the crack of dawn though... Yikes! I'm hoping it was a one time thing for at least the next few weeks but it's time to try and figure out who is what and start the process of letting go {this is why sexed chicks are the way to go}.

When my pets are healthy I'm so very happy. When they become ill, I get so worried because there is no telling what's up. My kitty has a vet appointment set but until then it's so hard not to keep wondering what could be wrong. It's hard not to worry and know she is not feeling well.

This morning my cat got ill twice and it's just not like her. She's been acting sort of depressed too and I thought maybe it was the weather but it's more than that and I'll find out what it is once she sees her doctor. In the meantime, must not jump to conclusions and look things up. Until I know she's healthy, it's hard to feel like everything is cool.

In the meantime stuff like Sharky, Max-Arthur and their chicks keep me distracted and thinking pleasant thoughts.
