Enchiladas Tapatias

A cold, rainy, possibly icy weekend is predicted. I am prepared for the duration.

1. Bought groceries and checked out an MFK and the Alice B. Toklas cookbook from the library. I have been wanting to delve into these but didn't want to drag ome books that I would never have time to read.

Going to prepare Poulet Saute a'la Boderlaise and make some bread, maybe make Mimosa Soup again, it was so good. Picking out a desert from Alice B Toklas' cookbook (not THAT dessert).

Made Enchiladas Tapatias from the Frida Kahlo cookbook for a lunch/dinner

The cream makes it look rich but it wasn't. It made the enchiladas just moist enough. They don't take cheese on the inside and don't cook in the oven. I'm pretty darn proud of the way the ancho chile sauce turned out.

2. Got all of Rohmer's Six Moral tales and have spaced them out to last or outlast the weekend.

3. Have the Maysles What's Happening! The Beatles in the USA Don't you just love the Maysles, man, I LOVE THE MAYSLES. I love Frederick Wiseman's stuff too but at the moment his films are difficult to procure.

I have seen Titticut Follies, saw it when I worked at at the Austin State Hospital Clinical Library. I also saw High School through a college class and then caught Ballet on cable once. I have seen bits and pieces of others here and there. Just enough to figure out that just about all his stuff is awesome.


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