On the third day of Christmas....

It is only the third day, says the girl who can never get enough Christmas and likes it to linger {all and every single one of those} twelve days. Yesterday was the end of my most perfect turkey and stuffing ever. All gone and now only a yummy memory.  The turkey was juicy and flavorful. I baked it with herbs and apples. It's a magical thing when you try one of your Grandmother's recipes and find it tasting exactly like Grandma's right?  So was my cornbread stuffing, just like my Grandmother's, it was not flawed. Christmas eve dinner was made by someone else, it seems, not by me, it was so... is there such a thing as cooking infallibly? Maybe it was a Christmas miracle or something but everything I cooked or baked or mixed that day came out super yummy and touched  by the Divine.

Tonight I made a lentil and sweet potato soup and it was alright. Nothing special.  My husband must love me dearly because he has yet to dislike anything I make.  I am very critical of my own cooking and baking but always trying to improve. I've learned to move on and forget disasters and try, tray again.  There is much I'd like to improve on and the day to start over is fast approaching. Until then we continue to hibernate and watch episodes of  AbFab, Taxi, Dick Van Dyke and Cary Grant films. I got a few Vladmasters for Christmas too!



Anonymous Francesca said...

I find that I'm always too critical of my own cooking. Perhaps I should do more cooking and baking too during Christmas time:)!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010  

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