Farewell, Indiana

We are on our last few days in Indiana and I find myself ready to bid farewell to the corn and soybean fields. Imagine, billions and billions of corn stalks and soybean plants all standing side by side for miles and miles and all striving to live and every single one of them sucking all they can from the air and the ground to succeed. Believe me, you can feel the energy and you feel outnumbered.

It rains in Indiana in the summer, unlike Texas, and August can actually be a pleasant month. This is the first time in my life that I experience August mornings in the 60's and afternoons in the low 80's. I do feel guilty hearing of the extreme heat in Texas from my friends. They tell me how drained and lethargic they feel. I haven't forgotten. I feel quite grateful having experienced storms, down pours and mild temperatures since we have been here.

Under these warm, golden sunsets I found closed and xenophobic minds that I have tried to understand. The stories. Nothing terribly scarring, already laughable, only peculiar. 

However, maybe years and years from now I will want to return to this exact spot in Indiana. Perhaps even make it a destination. You never know, the seemingly most insignificant places you visit become destinations you feel you must re-visit in the future. This tiny, one street town on our road atlas, that we spent one month of our lives in, may actually be fondly remembered. 



Blogger Jedimommy said...

Xenophobia exactly describes the culture in rural central Wisconsin as well. I didn't realize it until I left and went back many years later. If nothing else, it served as an impetus to raise my children differently in a much larger and more diverse area.

I'm glad you're enjoying the weather. You would love fall in the Midwest; however, I don't know if you're ready for our winters! :)

Friday, August 19, 2011  
Blogger nadine paduart said...

drained and lethargic, those are the proper words to human experiences of heat, aren't they. those sure are the words i am looking for whenever heat sets in. tomorrow will be such a day for us, forecasts promised us. i will be hiding under sheets of water...
i like how you bundle up your thoughts and feelings on a place, to try and get it from the inside out. who knows? indiana might be the place after all.... ;)

Saturday, August 20, 2011  

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