Take a Picture

I love looking at photographs.  This evening I viewed photos belonging to a friend of a friend. The woman in the photo was young and beautiful in her stylish wedding gown and her groom was as handsome as they come. You could see in the photos, the way he looked at her, he completely in love and you didn't have to know her personally to know that no one else could get her to smile that way. She wore that smile all through her wedding and honeymoon photos in Hawaii. From the photos her groom took of her it was evident that she will forever be his queen.

A few years forward and she still wears that same smile, but it is on a more secure face, she is even more radiant. His eyes, a new tenderness, looking even more in love with her. Every photo is of them holding each other, not posed, just the body language of a duo more comfortable in life and at ease with each other.

Everyone puts their best photos online. No one photographs a fight, crying mate, hurt lover, sad faced and lonely. When I see a series of sweet photographs of two people in love I can't help but be on their side, strangers they might be, but I hope they last a lifetime. Truly. I feel doing that is a small prayer for them. Where there is trust between two people, there is comfort, defenses down, love grows and many photographs are taken.


Sunny days, happy times
Take a picture so we can remember
The way it feels to love each other
Just in case of cloudy days to come

See the smile on my face
Take a picture so we can remember
The things you do to make me smile this way

Ask a stranger to take a picture
We should have one side by side
Look at me, and say `I love you'
Aren't I the picture of pride

Sunny days, happy times
Take a picture so we can remember 
The things we share, the dreams we're dreaming of
Come and take a picture of love

~Words and Music by Margo Guryan


Blogger nadine paduart said...

"so we can remember..."
hey, love.
am gonna write to you one of these. snake mail. what adress can i use?

Wednesday, March 06, 2013  

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