Corner View: Meeting and Parting

The rain is gone and the playgrounds are drying out under the sun. August and I have resumed our park visits. To August, a friend is any boy or girl with a smile. She always enters the park exclaiming that she must go say hello and play with her friend. Now that she is a few inches longer and can manage the playscape completely alone, I can take a seat under the large shade tree.

I have discovered that a lot goes on under that tree, lots of great conversations with other parents. These past two weeks I have enjoyed who I have met. Everyone has been so friendly. It always feels good to find a connection, common interests, hear stories. Finding a friend at the park, I've rediscovered that feeling, the one August is discovering.

The neighborhood library's story hour has also returned from a month long vacation. August and I were happy to return to the stories, activities and more friends. It is almost a year that we began frequenting the library. We find familiar faces among the stacks now.

August has forced me into situations where I have to interact, taking me out of my shy comfort zone. I am no longer the one on the other side of the park watching birds, dogs and people. I'm having to be in the middle of it all. Meeting new people and parting with my old ways is a constant theme since I became a mother.


Blogger Heather said...

One of my favorite childhood memories is story time at the library.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015  
Blogger Holly said...

I'm am so shy also, to the point that someone must start talking to me first. Yes it will be quite a change when school begins again with no one home for a whole day stretch. Those moments before they go to public education are precious. {M} is my last baby and so this is so much more bittersweet. Sounds like August will do just fine, and you will also:) I hope you two enjoy your outings now that the weather has calmed a bit.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015  
Blogger likeschocolate said...

Thanks for sharing your journey I have felt like crap for years, but have gotten the run around. I am seeing a new doctor and hope this will be just the beginning a better health and more energy. Sitting under the tree meeting new people sounds wonderful. Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 03, 2015  
Blogger shayndel said...

It`s always so beautiful to hear how you and August learn so much from each other. It`s a very special time. My daughter is already high school age, so reading your posts I remember how when she was a child it was a chance for me to become a child too, and take the `challenges` that come with that... But actually, even though she is `growning up` I still continue to learn to be a child!! Our children are great teachers!!

Thursday, June 04, 2015  
Blogger Francesca said...

I met my best friends through my boys - the parents of other kids of their same age (though I have to add that I haven't met many friends among the parents of my daughter's friends, the age gap between me and those parents is way too big, I fear)

Saturday, June 06, 2015  
Blogger Le monde dÖ said...

August is endowed to provoke the meetings!!

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015  

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