Little Windows

The ophthalmologist told me I had to continue to wear glasses... at least for a few more weeks. It's only a few weeks that make up one month and then another. There are several pairs of unattractive, cheap glasses around the house because they were something I only wore at home. Once my day was done and my contacts removed and stored away, I'd slip on my glasses. I never wore them out, not even on walks. I find them uncomfortable, impractical , cumbersome, isolating... They make me feel like I am inside something looking out. Little windows that sit in front of me from which I cannot fully take in everything around me. They make me feel shut in.

I can't think right wearing glasses. I can't see or think at all without them. My mornings started when I put on "my eyes", my contacts. I was ready to start my day. Glasses seemed to prolong the process of waking up, not really starting the day because I am unable to feel something, somehow. Most people reach for coffee, I would go put on my eyes. It was more than a transition. Contacts took me out of a blurry world that is annoying and confusing, like being in a dream, or perhaps, I dream completely out of focus. Contacts put me in the real world, a clear one. Glasses don't remove me from a world they allow to look into the one I'd like to be in.

A morning of frustration led me to finally cutting my hair. Having to style my long hair around a pair of glasses only worsened my mood. Without thinking too much I just started cutting. It felt great! It made wearing glasses a bit easier. Now, to pick out a pair of stylish frames. Viewing the world through these little windows is an experience I'll learn to work with. 


Blogger Holly said...

Oh wow I never knew how frustrating glasses could be. I actually wear my sunglasses everywhere and believe I'm invisible when wearing them, kinda the same concept of being in looking out. Sorry I have visited sooner, hope Autumn is good to you and August.

Monday, October 05, 2015  
Blogger nadine paduart said...

it'll be fine! i actually love the contrast between contacts and glasses. i also love the aspect of traipsing about sans anything. it sometimes helps me clear my mind. i do not do it outside, because i am a danger on the curb and in the street, without... mhmmm...

Sunday, October 18, 2015  

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